Friday, October 19, 2007

Last days in the Algarve

We're looking forward to our last few days here. Sunday we leave for Barcelona to catch the MSC Melody for a seven day cruise. The following is our itinerary:

October 22 Depart Barcelona
October 22 Arrive Ibiza
October 24 Tunis, Tunisia
October 25 Sicily (Georg's birthday!)
October 26 Naples
October 27 Florence
October 28 St. Tropez, France
October 29 Return to Barcelona

We've really enjoyed our stay in the Algarve. Dieter has adjusted to spelling in the sand and using seashells to do work on his multiplication and division skills >mathematics with a twist!

Ladies - my feet have never looked or felt this good! All the visible signs of running are gone from my poor old feet. Walking on the beach is a workout and gentle on those feet. I highly recommend it!

If possible we would like to work the Algarve into our return leg of our European vacation.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a packed itinerary! I am pumped you are going to Tunis - I thought Tunisia was really neat. Don't drink the water!!!

Have a great time in Sicily - let me know where you guys go.

A chilly day here - had to scrape the windshields this morning! Brrr! I think of you guys every time I am reminded of winter...

Take care, have fun,

Glenda Francis said...

Hi Heuck's it's the Francis Clan (Glenda, Dev, T-Bone and Megan). Our adventures aren't quite as exciting, nor as balmy as yours. Mostly hopping between the Richie, Mahon, Balfour, warming fingers and dreading the upcoming winter season.

Looks like everyone is having a great time. Shelley - you look Marvelous! Enjoy that great experience of living life and eploring the world. Be safe and God bless.

I will definitely be living vicariously through you folks over the next months.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are all having a great time. I sure enjoy going onto the blog to see where you have been and where you are going. Take care and have a great time. Can't wait to see the next set of pictures