Saturday, October 6, 2007

Oui! Oui! Paris!

This was our second full day in the city of Love and Romance with our kids! They hate it when we get amorous. We spent the day visiting the Louvre, the Cathedral and walking along the Champs Elysees.
What a treasure the Parisians have in the musee. I can only imagine how enriched the students of Paris are by having this at their disposal. The treasures from the ancient Greeks/Romans/and Egyptians were fabulous to see. I had been told of the realism the ancient greeks were able to carve into stone, but to actually see it was something else. We all felt privileged to see the Mona Lisa, but what moved me most was David's painting of Naploean's inaugeration as France's Emperor. Standing infront of it you felt as if you were there as a spectator of the event.
Notre Dame was very busy today! We were told that in the past the village would have come up to and surrounded it, but today there is an open market where people can gather and admire its enormity. Though I do not consider myself religious I did find myself "moved" by the grandeur of the Cathedral and could only imagine how it would have affected the peasantry of the day. We spent some time listening to a service in progress and for such an expansive building the acoustics were fantastic!
To end our day we strolled along the boulevard. Paris at night does truely "capture your heart".
We sat down at one of the small bistro's and ate while Paris strolled by. Our kids look forward to the adventure which is the subway. Once you get the idea behind it it really is an efficient way to move around. Au revoir Paris!

We'll post the pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is sooo great to be able to share in your adventures, even though we are missing you on the Bay. Enjoy your time together.

Teresa Laplante