Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Leg #2 of the journey

Waiting at the airport in Orlando.........
Here's Dieter playing webkins at the Orlando airport. I'm noticing a big difference between the ease-of-use with the Mac and the PC. It took less than a minute for the Mac to locate the wireless network at the airport and connect itself. It took much longer than that for me to get the settings changed (manually) with this PC. In the end, we're both online and everything seems to be going well.
We're learning all about travelling from trial and error. Today our driver with the "Happy Limo" was a half hour late picking us up from our hotel (Buena Vista Suites). The driver was grumpy and made the seventh dwarf (that would be Grumpy) look like one of Santa's helpers. We learned that you don't have to be happy or even remotely cheerful to work for the Happy Limo folks.
We also learned that heavy textbook-laden bags will cost $25 more each to send on the plane.
Other important details which most travellers will know but we didn't:
  • There's a reason they don't recommend you wear white to travel.
  • Sleep is best done while in the horizontal position.
  • The reason your travel bags are called "luggage" becomes more obvious the more you travel with heavy bags
  • "Shoving" articles of clothing into bags does not equal "packing"
  • That trick of ROLLING your clothes to prevent wrinkling only works when you're in the military and your clothes are either 100% wool or 100% polyester.
Well, off to London to visit the queen 'er maybe just to ride a double Decker bus.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you are having so much fun but we miss you!!!!

Davin & MacKenna

Mark said...

Hi guys..I enjoyed meeting you guys on the flight from Orlando to Detroit. It is neat how strangers can learn so much of one another in 2 hours of flying. I am sure you will gather more of these experiences. Sorry if I took some "valuable National Geographic" time away. I have never seen anyone read that stuff. Anyways, be safe and PROTECT THOSE PASSPORTS! Have the time of your life!

S'later....Mark (back at work-bummer)