Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lisboa Portugal

We arrived in Lisbon today. The temperature is around 25 degrees. The scenery is beautiful with hills, ocean and even palm trees!

Below is the link for the photo album we've created so far. I'm not sure if the London photos are posted yet, but this should include Disney and Paris.


Anonymous said...

Great photos, although I am noticing that there is not much of a height difference between Georg and Eric anymore!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Your pictures look soooo cool! I especially love the cruise pics - looks like a blast! Hope all is well on "Canadian Thanksgiving". We miss you Geo!

Tim McFadden said...

Guten tag! Schmidty gave me the address to your blog and the "Heuck World Tour" looks like it is going great! I hope Georg can make it back in time to go for a ski at my cottage on June 29, 2008. Happy travels. PS...the Trojans are having a lean year at 0-4 with the Riffel Royals on the slate tomorrow night.

All the best...Tim McFadden

Anonymous said...

Seems rather odd. Just finished a full evening of teaching, and am in O'Hanlon's...checking Guinness, I mean, checking email, and look ing at your photos. Looks like a great time. What a great decision! Not the Guinness...your trip. When the boys are old and grey, they'll still remember this time as one of the many great things you made happen in their lives. And, I suspect you'll never regreat it either. Very cool to see it all unfold. We'll save some snow for you in the freezer.
