Saturday, November 3, 2007

The French Riviera

(Scroll down to the very bottom to adjust the music volume, and to listen to other tracks.)

We're not at a posh hotel where people like Tom Cruise typically stay during their visit to the French Riviera. 1100 euros per night just isn't in the budget this year. Our apartment is quite nice and very kid-friendly with an outdoor swimming pool and tennis court and in walking distance to the sea (about a 10 minute walk).

I can understand why so many people want to flock to this location with it's gentle weather, sunny skies and NO WIND!

The boys have been catching up on homework and have been practicing their tennis and running off some excess energy.

Georg and I have finally figured out how to make a cup of coffee that we find palatable. The trick here is that sour cream doesn't work and although some of us claim to speak french, there are still things that are lost in translation. I'll never live this one down.

The pictures of Portugal on to Barcelona are on the website listed below:

This site has Photos , Photos 1 2, Photos 3 and Photos 4

Leg One of the Journey remains in the first site we posted earlier from Orlando.

Yours in sunshine
The Heucks


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are all having a blast. I sure enjoy going on to your blog once a week to see how things have been. Hope you are all okay after your driving incident. You look like you are going to be busy for the next little while. By the way I am the anonymous one. sorry I have not included my name but I will from now on. Val

Iain MacDonald said...

Great to read of your adventures. Stay safe. Look forward to hearing the sour cream story. Will go in the book along with nailing drywall....and after making mock of Georg's language challenges. Hey, I can't even speak English correctly!