Saturday, November 24, 2007

En route to Lisbon

We enjoyed our day in Chamonix France and have vowed to return one day to ski in the Alps. Our plan was to stop in Geneva to meet Martin and Doris, but we had to change our plans when we learned they were forcasting snow for the area. Our timing just hasn't been good - no snow when we wanted it and snow when we didn't want it. We stopped in Geneva long enough to call Martin (Georg was able to speak a little German) and continued our way on towards Lisbon. We were happy to have a chance to get to know Martin well enough to learn that his son is studying in REGINA SASKATCHEWAN. We hope we'll meet again one day.

Pushing on towards Lisbon with no particular destination for each day, we took time to enjoy the scenery and notice the many land uses along the way.

By 8:00 p.m. we arrived in Tulle where we stayed in a modest "room" for the night. We were grateful to find the hotel because our efforts to stay in Clermont failed when all rooms were booked at every hotel. In the morning we toured around this quaint little French community, sampling croissants and pastries and visiting the market.

The next day we drove to Bayonne France. This is a region rich with wineries (it's near Bordeaux) so we decided we needed to sample the wine and soak up the scenery during our one-night stay.

After a long day of travelling we arrived in Castelo Branco Portugal. I guess we were somewhat affected by the "highway incident" in October so we didn't really want to spend any extra time in Spain and opted for a long day of travelling to reach Portugal. The countryside is so diverse and, although we tried to take pictures, we realize the photos don't do justice to the life-size views.

Once in Portugal we found accommodations at the TRYP COLINA DO CASTELO. I've managed to figure out alot of Spanish and Italian but I'm finding Portuguese is a little more difficult. I can tell you that "Colina" means "Hill" and this hotel is, in fact, on a hill overlooking the city. The sunset was very impressive and this morning's sunshine has provided us with a tremendous view of the valley below. The trees are golden and the weather is about October-ish type weather in Saskatchewan. Chilly but not cold.

Today we will drive another 2 hours to Lisbon and catch our flight to London. Tomorrow we fly from London to Madeira.

1 comment:

Kyla said...

I thought I was going crazy or had a virus on my computer or something but it was your site that was playing the Roughrider song!! ha ha!! Love your pics and reading about your adventure. Remember when we would sit in the broadcast studio and dream of this? And now here we are! Safe travels and I will keep reading!
