Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day three in Madeira

We're off to another beautiful day here in Madeira. Our morning run was quite nice although Erik is getting too fast to run with his Mother so I "chased" after him for 6 km.

Dieter enjoyed his first yoga class last night and proved that age is the reason for the lack of flexibility. He easily folded himself into a pretzel without grimacing at all. With all the aquatic activity Dieter decided to get a short haircut. I think it will be easier for him and he really likes it.

Georg and Erik signed up for their scuba lessons and will begin on Friday. Georg will recertify and Erik will get his junior C card. I guess it's a three-day class. Dieter and I will snorkel in the area shown in the photos above. We have been told there are no jellyfish here.

We have a cooking class at 3:00 pm today with the chef from France. I guess this will be a cooking lesson and a French lesson at the same time. Should be fun!


Anonymous said...

Hello everybody how is your trip going??looks like your having fun:)please e-mail me!!!:) if you have the time:)byebye (keep those awsomepics coming)

Anonymous said...

my e-mail is could you give me Eriks e-mail!!please:)bye