Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day two of Boot Camp?

We started the day with a trip to the nature reserve area for Nordic Trekking (walking with poles). It was definitely a worthwhile experience and everyone is willing to do it again on Thursday. Three mornings the group runs and two mornings are reserved for the pole walking.

This experience bears some ressemblance to the four-month military training I undertook when I was a student needing a summer job. At the time the idea of getting paid to get into physical condition seemed like a good idea, although I now refer to the whole experience as "boot camp" (maybe because of all the time and effort spent on "spit" polishing those ugly black boots).

We're experiencing a similar pace as boot camp because the kids are so excited to do everything and anything NOW (not later). Yesterday we ran, walked, swam, played squash, pumped weights and took an aquafit class. Today the list includes waterpolo, yoga, and circuit training.

This is, however, a SPA and as such there are opportunities to soak and relax. Personally, I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to the European spa attitude where everyone walks around nude in the saunas, turkish baths and lounge area. So the question is "Where are you supposed to look?" and "Is it more rude to stop and freeze with mouth open or back out of the room?" I'm not sure what to do really, but MY swimsuit is on the body, not over the shoulder.

We've been told that the tourist population is 90% German which would explain why the menus are in German. And since we speak more German than Portuguese, we're now in German immersion. Erik is able to understand most of what is said, but Dieter is having more difficulty. It's been a long time since I studied German at University and I'm not impressing anyone with my French accent, but folks are quite helpful. Of course Georg is in his element and HE knows how to ask for CREAM in his coffee. (I'll never live down the sour cream in the coffee episode in France).

So we expect to keep moving for the next two weeks. Personally, I'm thrilled that football is over, although we're now pursuing hockey highlights online with TSN. (I wonder if this is why I was given that shirt "We interrupt this marriage to bring you the football season" and Diane suggested we use velcro to change the sports with the season.) Everyone is elated with the Roughriders' victory and we'll be talking about this for a long time yet, but at least we don't have to watch it anymore.

We just found out "we" get to play shinny in the gym tomorrow. The guys are getting excited but they miss the old shinny games in the bay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you are not missing any shinny on the bay. It is too damn cold here (-32). Looks like you are continuing to have a great time.

The Laplantes