Thursday, April 3, 2008

Koala Park

It was a “cold” day here in Wahroonga so that means we only reached about 20 degrees C today. This was a perfect day to head over to Koala Park to meet some of Australia’s local wildlife. Up close and personal with koala bears, kangaroos, wallabies, dingos, fruit bats, kookaburras, cockatiels, emus, and the legendary cassowary bird. Legendary because it’s one of those creatures that demonstrates the evolution from dinosaur to present-day birds. The feet and bill are something worth noting.

Notice the dinosaur-type feet

Note: We were not disappointed that this small wildlife park was not host to any snakes.

The wallabies and kangaroos were fun to pet and Dieter made friends with a little one he named “Max.” We were amazed to see the little one tucked inside the mama’s pouch.

Later on the family took up another game of Mench Arge Dich Nich, Onkel Dieter continued our living history lesson and we went for a walk. Oh we also munched on fresh rhubarb cake and cheesecake (we will never want to leave this heavenly place!).

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