Friday, April 18, 2008

Home Again Home Again Piggly Wig

Well folks we're home!

We heard Saskatchewan was forcasting warm weather and sunny skies so we headed home.
Endless blue skies never looked so good and for the first time in our lives, we noticed how clean the air is here.

We had a remarkable journey to every continent except South America and Antarctica. We're already talking about a trip to South America with our friends the MacDonalds, but that won't be this year.

In the upcoming weeks, we'll be summarizing what we've learned and we're convinced we're now experts on what NOT to do. For anyone who is interested we're happy to share our experiences and tell you what we've learned and what we'd suggest for the next time. Thank you to all our new friends who've invited us back to visit in New Zealand, Sweden, Phillipines, South Africa, Thailand, Montreal, Germany, San Francisco,Denmark and France. We'll look forward to seeing you again when you come here and when we return there.

Erik and Dieter have adjusted to small town life. Erik's making money with his lawn care and yard cleanup and he's looking forward to being a Junior Lifeguard in Pangman at the pool this summer. Georg is busy installing furnaces and air conditioners with Dad (Glen Svedahl) and he's also going to be on a commercial for workplace safety that will air starting May 9 for 13 weeks. I'm working on a new line of handbags with sisters and nieces. I'm also looking forward to speaking at the Women's Dinner/Fundraiser on May 29th here in Pangman.

We're scheduled to return to work in September 2008. Erik is hoping he'll be accepted at Luther High School so he will no longer be in French Immersion this Fall. Dieter will return to French Immersion in Regina.

We're thrilled to be back and looking forward to a beautiful Saskatchewan Spring!

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