Monday, December 24, 2007

Season's Greetings!

Merry Christmas!
2007 has been an incredible year for our family.

Erik played hockey, soccer, waterpolo and lacrosse last year and then used his birthday money to buy a membership to the Royal Regina Golf course. He also kept busy with paddling for the Wascana Racing Canoe Club in the summer. He's just learned how to play squash as well as tennis and recently he fulfilled a dream of becoming a certified PADI scuba diver. Needless to say, he loves sports!

Over the year Dieter enjoyed public skating, swimming, waterpolo and paddling (also with the Wascana Racing Canoe Club). He's also learned how to play tennis and surf. He continues to write amazing stories c/w original illustrations in his free time. He's taking a break from French and learning to spell in English this year. He is also very creative in his spelling and use of the English language.

Georg continues to coach hockey and he still seems to think he should also PLAY hockey. This explains why he's always whining about his aching back.

I remain forever grateful to my running friends who keep me sane and healthy.

While we all miss our lives from "back home" we are grateful to have this year to live and experience life as a family while travelling. Since the passing of my sister Linden, I realize how precious and fragile life is and, as such, we are commited to living life to the fullest each day. It's truly amazing how much we've learned from Linden's life - I guess big sisters are always teaching their younger "sibs."

I think she would have something to say about the younger sibs' activities. Two drinks each?

Christmas is always a time to be grateful for good health, good friends and close families. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Erik and Dieter received an early Christmas gift - their very own surf boards! As Mom says, we're "creating memories."

Merry Christmas from the Heucks!


Anonymous said...

Hi there sounds like you are having the time of your lives. Hope you are all doing okay and enjoying everything about your trip. Sounds like you will be having fun now and looks like the boys are catching on to the waves fast. Have the parents tried the waves yet? Miss you lots and will see you when you get back to Canada. Take care and be safe. I look forward to reading more about your trip.

Val Kiraly

Anonymous said...

Hey there Heuck Family..... Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope Santa found you in Hawaii. Right now we are enjoying the holiday break. The weather has not been too bad lately, but we would rather be in Hawaii. Take care and continue to enjoy.

The Laplantes