Friday, December 14, 2007

Good-bye Europe and Aloha Hawaii!

The weather was becoming increasingly cold in Europe so we "needed" to leave for warmer climes. Our plan for a year off was based on this need for warm weather. We intend to try to stay warm, avoiding the need for warm clothing.

London was wet and grey the day we left. We weren't sorry to leave, especially knowing we were heading for Hawaii> a place we have grown to love.

It has taken a few days to adjust to the 10 hour time difference. We've slept during the day only to be wide awake in the middle of the night a few times but we seem to have adjusted.

Hawaii will be home for the next two months. Here we will celebrate Christmas and we're even going to get to see friends from Regina during the holidays! Dieter is counting the days until his buddy Alex arrives and we're hoping we can go to the ZOO with the Most family. On December 31 our family, Erwin and Brenda and little Willem will arrive for a two-week vacation. All this will only enhance our days of fun and sun and sand and surf.

We really love this place!

1 comment:

barb said...

Hi Guys,

We're glad to see that you've arrived safely in Hawaii!
What a great place to relax and unwind after that long flight.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

