Monday, December 3, 2007


We love the gelato here! As part of our health and nutrition education we've classified this as a necessary food type: DAIRY. And everyone knows we need dairy products to build healthy bones, so we eat a little each day.

Our gelato days will soon be over as we head for Hawaii and Baskin Robbins. We've enjoyed our European experiences over the past couple of months. These past three weeks were supposed to be spent in Israel with our guide (my kindred spirit) Linda Epstein, but we cancelled because we were a little uneasy about the situation in Israel at the time. Linda is now in the Phillipines and we've agreed to experience Israel another time.

1 comment:

Iain MacDonald said...

Here I am in O'Hanlon's on Thursday night after teaching, reading email, checking into your blog, and relaxing with a cool Guinness and something to eat. No gelato. What a great time you look to be having. I thin you're all thinner and happier looking. Is that possible? Certainly looks like the Time of Your Lives, and I hope it continues in that vein. Travel safely, and remember that sour cream and coffee don't go well. I bet your French chef told you that already! : )

Bon voyage[s].