Thursday, February 14, 2008

Kata Beach on Valentines Day

We hired a van to take us the short trip to one of Phuket's beautiful beaches called Kata. It was a 10 minute drive along the coast and there we found one of the nicest beaches we had ever seen. Kata Beach is nestled in a small bay surrounded by towering verticle cliffs. The fine white sand felt like powder on our feet. The waves broke in long-rollers so we were able to use our "floaties" to body surf them right to shore.

The beach provided numerous activities for "our gang" including Parasailing so we all had to give it a go. It's one of those things that has to be done at least once and this locale could not be beat. We all had a "blast"!!!

Though we spent six weeks in Hawaii there is no preparing for the power of the sun here. Even the most tanned of us are feeling the sun's effects. So after five hours on the beach it was time to call it a day, but what a day!!!

We went back to the hotel to shower before heading out for a Go Kart adventure. The kids had two ten-minute sessions of racing and were eager to continue the experience on into the evening. We're happy to report that nobody got hurt and we got a video of the experience to remember our event!

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