Thursday, January 17, 2008

Scuba Koko Head

The "Three Amigos" (as they call themselves) went for their Scuba Dive at Turtle Canyon and The Barge near Koko Head. Adding to the excitement and adventure: a rough boat ride. They were glad they didn't have coconut pancakes for breakfast! The barge, sunk back in the 80's as an artificial reef, lays in 30 meters of water in Koko Bay (east of Diamond Head). It supports a variety of tropical fish and is also home to Hawiian Green Sea Turtles. The second dive was in a more shallow part of the bay called Turtle Canyon. Ironically, no turtles were seen there, but they did see eels, other tropicals, and a Spotted Eagleray. The three amigos, all sporting new dive watches, have added another adventure to their list and have begun plans for the next great one.


Anonymous said...

Hey Erik, hope you've been having the "time of your life"! Probably alot going on, what with all that surfing and scuba diving, it's definately no "slow turning" hey! Liam says hey. He's sad cause I took his mits and told him he was singing Bulls On Parade wrong. Talk to you soon hopefully, ciao


Anonymous said...

Cathy and I are standing in the office looking at your pictures and she says "You Suck". It is another lovely day in Sask. It has warmed up considerably today and there is no wind, -40. Therefore I agree with Cath, "You do Suck"

Teresa and Cathy