Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 2010

Football is over for another season. #72 was fun to watch.

Georg joined the Thom Trojans coaching team and had way too much fun this year.

I keep doing what I do best... or most anyway

Life is Good (up on Grandma and Grandpa's roof)

Dieter joined the racing program with the Wascana Racing Canoe Club and won 16 medals. We're so proud of him!

What a terrific bunch of kids!

Erik had a great year with the Luther Lions.

We had an interesting Halloween this year.

The lovely little miss Amelie turned "ONE"

It was a big event worth celebrating for sure.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring is here

The Easter Bunny. Aycen (Our little but very tall and extremely smart 3 year old great niece)

Sisters... one of us celebrated a very "important" birthday this year.

Erik played his first-ever season of basketball, joining the Luther Lions Junior team.

We celebrated Dieter's birthday in Phoenix with buddies Alex and Kat.

Oma, Dieter and Wilhem - so cute! Oma landed a big role as "elderly lady" on the STC commercials so she'll be featured in tv and print ads this year. A celebrity in our midst.

Erik travelled with Luther to Kenya during the Easter break. What an amazing experience!
This was a "must take" photo. These little tykes were clearly just "chillin" and acting cool.

Perhaps another Luther Lion?

There was just enough time to take in a weekend of skiing in Banff this year. We even got to meet up with friends Gail and Bruce during that brief time.

No trip to Banff is complete without a "pit stop" at one of the many candy stores.