Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009 has been an amazing year

As the sun sets on Waikiki beach we sit back, relax, and reflect on the year that has passed. It's been an amazing year.

The Movie RUST concluded with a red carpet event in Kipling. Erik and Corbin (son and father in the movie).

Georg and I went to New York in July to celebrate his big birthday.

Opa - Georg's DAD celebrated his 90th birthday in August!

My beautiful Mom turned 70 in February and this year, was honored by the province of Saskatchewan for 25 years of service as an emergency medical technician. She has retired from her volunteer commitment as an EMT. We are very proud of you Mom.

We rented a cottage for a week this summer and the boys went waterskiing. Dieter learned when he was seven, and was pretty confident this year.

Erik was a starter on the Luther Football team, and is playing basketball for the first time in his life on the Luther Junior team. He's very busy with sports and school but seems to be happy about it. He's made some great friends at his school.

I continue to rely on my running buddies and my running to "calibrate my life." This year we ran three half marathons: our favorite has always been the RPS, and we generally run the QCM to have a focus for the summer months but we also ran our first Rock and Roll Marathon in Vegas in December. It was a fun time just hanging out with the girls.