Saturday, October 17, 2009

We've been busy - everyone's getting older!

Guess who's driving?

Mom Svedahl celebrated her 70th birthday this year AND was honoured as one of Saskatchewan's long-time Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) for her years of service. What a role model! I am so proud!

48 is GREAT

Opa celebrated his 90th birthday this year. After his third knee replacement this year - this bionic man is better than ever!

Oma celebrated her 82nd birthday this year! After a successful operation to remove her bladder she has her life back and is enjoying spending time with her grand kids!

Life is Good:Great to have my sisters so close - they're only an hour away!

Sisters - one perfect brother and my amazing parents

The bionic man and his wife (Georg's incredible parents)

In June my almost-sister from SanFrancisco came for a visit: Deborahloo (Dr. Caust) we love you!

Erik and Dieter played soccer and Georg coached Erik's winning team. Dieter had a fun time and was able to reconnect with Mathew, a pal from French preschool.

Erik celebrated being on the honour roll at Luther high school.

Dieter paddled with the Wascana Racing Canoe Club over the summer as a part timer. It was fun and he has some excellent role models (The young Christopher LaPlante and his lovely sister Alexis).
Dieter played SPRING hockey this year

The family rented the Veresh cottage out at Katepwa Lake for a whole week. It was a fun time for boating (water skiing/tubing/wakeboarding).

Georg and Shelley travelled to New York City to spend five days celebrating a 50th birthday (which actually happens this month).

New York!

Erik and Dieter spent some time with their cousins at Pasqua Lake.

Georg and Erik finished a couple of concrete jobs and the entire family tackled the yard project, finishing the back deck and adding crusher dust and rocks in all the muddy areas.

Erik finished his work on the RUST project with Corbin Bernsen and took some additional work as an extra on set of another movie. Dieter and Georg also took on roles as extras in the movie.

Autumn in Saskatchewan brought beautiful weather which was great for the pool and outside activities. The McDonald family travelled from Winnipeg for the September 13 Marathon weekend. It was a fun time to reconnect with our extended "family" and the marathon was good too.
Spencer, Brett, Erik and Dieter (just like old times)

Pool Daze (taken from the back balcony of our home in Regina)

Dieter is in grade six and has an amazing teacher AND his best friend Alexander is in his class this year. We're off to a great start with school, basketball and swimming. Waterpolo will resume after Christmas.

Erik is in grade ten at Luther and busy with football and school work. Waterpolo will start in November for Erik.

Erik and our almost son Christopher

Erik and Liam (elementary school buddies) after a soccer game

Erik and Buddy Scott heading off to play "ultimate frisbee" with the Luther team

Georg is playing hockey and enjoying life.

I'm training for the Rock and Roll Marathon in Vegas in December. Five members of our running group will go experience the run together - so much fun!

Our CLAN welcomed baby Amelie Diane on October 12. She weighed 7 pounds 5 ounzes and is a beautiful little angel. A grand niece for Georg and me and a second cousin for Erik and Dieter.
Amelie Diane
