Saturday, September 22, 2007

Disney World

Disney World really is a Magical place! Even though we were tired we did "need" to go to Epcot Center, MGM studios and the Animal Kingdom. No amount of "training" can prepare a fourty-something adult to keep pace with excited kids. The five half-marathons and one full marathon were much less rigorous than what I've experienced these past two days. Barb, Louise and Mary Anne, we'll maybe need to add that speed work and a few more hills to train for the Disney tour. I'm thinking I should have consulted with Sue on the nutrition requirements for these extended marathons.
Because Georg insisted on wearing his Indiana Jones hat with his khaki pants he was stopped a couple of times by tourists who thought he worked at the park. We pretended we didn't know him.
Tomorrow we board the Disney Magic cruise ship. We'll have a balcony suite and the kids are excited about meeting the Disney characters. The parents are looking forward to kicking back and relaxing while the kids enjoy the "just for kids" entertainment.

Farewell to Gloucester Bay

On September 19th we said goodbye to our home at 3340 Gloucester Bay. The Cabana Boy and Cabana Boys- in -training will miss the pool but we know that the new owners, Patricia and Warwick and their four children will love this place as much as we did. So, we left our household items in storage and have physically moved on.. We will miss our neighbors, especially our extended family - Teresa, Chris, Christopher and the lovely, helpful angel Alexis.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Off To Another Hard Days Work"

One of the things I'm going to miss most is having to get up at 8:00 and go to school where all your wildest dreams come true....

>>>>>>>>>>>Have fun doing tests!

P.S. HAhahahahahaha.. .ha

If you can Dream it.. You Can Do it!

LEAVIN' on a Jet Plane.....

Don't know when we'll be back again....

September 19, 2007 we're off to Orlando for a few "intimate" days with Mickey then on a seven-day Disney Cruise with ports of call in:

  • Key West

  • Cozumel

  • Cayman Islands

  • Castaway Cay

We've signed up for snorkeling and scuba diving, para sailing, and exploring the Mayan ruins.

Oh, and there's plenty of running/fitness on board the ship and special Disney productions, too. Dieter will no doubt enjoy the search for buried treasure and the land of make-believe.

Life's a Beach!

Kimo’s Rules

Never judge a day by the weather.

The best things in life aren’t things.

Tell the truth – there’s less to remember.

Speak softly and wear a loud shirt.

Goals are deceptive – the unaimed arrow never misses.

He who dies with the most toys – still dies.

Age is relative – when you’re over the hill you pick up speed.

There are two ways to be rich – make more or desire less.

Beauty is internal – looks mean nothing.

No rain – No rainbows.